
I thought I would create a space to share some of my life thoughts as well as some my life's adventures and misadventures. I am not sure what is in store for this Blog. I love God, I love my wife, I enjoy reading, kayaking, cooking, thinking about ways to sustainably help the world's poor, and leaving a smaller carbon footprint on this planet—Steve G’s Eclectic World. As life is both an experiment and a journey so is this blog. I hope that you will take what you like and leave the rest.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I was recently asked to do a column on outdoor activities for the monthly employee newsletter at the Gaithersburg Costco.  I was excited about this opportunity to share my love of the outdoors and to get people away from their TV screens, computer screens and other electronic stuff that we can so easily allow to monopolize our time.  Moreover, rather than limit my audience to just the employees of the Gaithersburg Costco I thought I would add some eclecticity to my blog and let the rest of the world in as well.  I hope these posts will encourage you to get off your couch or recliner and get out and experience creation!

Did you know that the average American watches four hours of television per day?  That is nine years in front of the television by the time you are 65!  All the while there is this beautiful world just outside of our homes that provides infinite opportunities for entertainment, leisure, worship, relaxation, and exercise.
We, at Costco 213, have the wonderful advantage of living in an area that is incredibly rich with opportunities for time spent outdoors.  Each month I will be describing one of the myriad opportunities our area offers to break away from the electronic world.
Great Falls Maryland is a special place for me.  I have been going there for more than 20 years, mainly for the purpose of whitewater kayaking, which is one of the things that I am most passionate about.  However, this area is not limited to kayaking.  There is great fishing, hiking, and overlooks that provide a surreal view of Great Falls of the Potomac.  There are a few picnic tables as well, and one can hike for miles along the C&O Canal on the towpath or for those a little more adventurous on the Billygoat trail.  Wildlife is often available for viewing:  great blue herons, Pileated woodpeckers, an occasional bald eagle, turtles,  and fish can be sighted without too much effort. There is even a canal boat ride that will give you a history lesson of the canal.
The entrance to Great Falls Maryland is located at the intersection of Falls Road and MacArthur Boulevard.  If you are on Falls Road make a right to enter the park.  There is a $5 entrance fee per car and it is good for three successive days.  You can also access the park free at Old Anglers Inn—make a left from Falls Road on MacArthur Boulevard and go one mile.  You will see the Old Anglers parking lot on the right.  Be aware that on a nice weekend day any time of the year parking at Old Anglers can be a challenge.  Here are the details for those interested in the boat ride: the cost is $8 for adults, $6 for seniors, and $5 for children.  The boats run Wednesday through Sunday at 11:00am, 1:30pm, and 3:00pm with park employees dressed in 19th century clothes and the ride lasts for about an hour.  If you want more information you can call (301) 767-3714.

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